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Variable geometry comfort scoop stretcher
Anti trauma scoop stretcher
Toboga stretcher
Self-loading stretcher with 2 or 4 rotating wheels
"MeBer-X" Multi-level stretcher complete with mattress and belts
Self-loading stretchers with 200mm wheels
Self-loading stretchers with 150mm wheels
Certified stainless steel variable height trolley
Self loading stretchers - entry-level
“EVOX” certified self-loading stretcher convertible into chair complete with mattress
Self loading stretcher for bariatric transport
New line of track assisted stair chair and foldable sedan chairs
Certified colorful folding sedan chair
Certified folding sedan chair
Fixed padded sedan chairs
Black powered stair chair
1120 mm mechanical step DynaStep
800 mm mechanical step DynaStep
Products Stretchers Ergon Ergon 16150/V Ergon 16150/G Ergon Junior 16160/V Ergon Junior 16160/G 584 X-Lock 9150 Art. 9150-001 X-FIX 9156 16150-001 16150-002 959 572 574 Maxima Maxima 630 Maxima 630/V Maxima 630/G Maxima 630/B Maxima 630/A Maxima 630/N Maxima 631 Maxima 631/G Maxima 6200 Axim 633 Fixed rescue stretchers Fixed stretcher 644 Rigid stretcher 644/S Folding rescue stretchers Rescue stretcher 638 Rescue stretcher 640 Folding stretcher 646 Folding stretcher 643 Folding stretcher 660 Folding stretcher 1550 Fixed stretchers Fixed stretcher 1510 PROOF Fixed stretcher 1515 PROOF Multilevel stretchers Icarus 13010 Icarus 13012 Cronos 13018 7013/N Toboga Toboga 16100 Toboga 16102 Self Loading Stretchers Mercury Mercury/Mercury Lite Mercury Lite 7080/4RG Proof Mercury Lite 7082/4RG Proof Mercury 7070/4RG PROOF Mercury 7072/4RG PROOF Mercury Cinque Mercury Cinque 7075/4RG PROOF Mercury Cinque 7077/4RG PROOF Mercury Lite Cinque 7095/4RG Proof Mercury Lite Cinque 7097/4RG Proof Mercury EL Mercury EL 7092/H3 PROOF Mercury EL 7094/H3 PROOF Mercury EL 7092 PROOF Mercury EL 7094 PROOF Accessories 7013/A 7013/N 12070/BG 12070/BR 12072/BG 12072/BR 12018N 12154 12025 939 7014/A 12128 707 12080 12080-001 12106 12200 MeBer-X 7300 Winner Winner 910 Winner 910 PROOF Winner 914 Winner 914 PROOF Frog Frog Lite 7260 PROOF Frog 7210 Frog 7210 PROOF Frog 7240 PROOF 7265 Proof Titanus Titanus 7060/4RG PROOF Titanus 7062/4RG PROOF Gecko Gecko 7122/V Gecko 7122/AZ Evox Proof 7112 Self loading trolleys for incubator 7034 Frog 7240/INC PROOF Frog Lite 7260/INC PROOF Winner 910/GIN Winner 910/GIN PROOF MBS-01 MEBER BARIATRIC STRETCHER 7270 Evox Proof 7112I Sedan Chairs Extra Extra 670/BR 678 Extra Lite Basic Extra Lite Standard 676 679 Quick Quick 659/Y Quick 658/Y Maya Maya 653 Maya 650 Proxima Pro Proxima Pro 683 Kuma 668 DynaStep DynaStep 19300 DynaStep 19302 Accessories 19310 19312 19314 Immobilization Adult spinal boards Galaxy 9010 Galaxy 9012 Galaxy 9016 Galaxy-P 9040 Galaxy-P 9042 Nilix 9050 12144/N Head immobilizers Jelly 629 Kids 627 X-Lock 9150 Double 624 670-001 Pediatric spinal boards Duck 9022 Duck 9024 Immobilization devices X-FIX 9156 Spider 690 Spider Baby 692 Vacuum mattress Snake 894 Snake Snow 894/SNOW Snake Plus 895 890-001 Bunny 9100 9100-011 Bunny Plus 9102 "Flake" 891 Naxos 9104 9104-001 891/SG Chesterfield 9114 894-001 Suction pumps 889 888 896/DF Splints Halley 886 Halley 880 Halley 882 Halley 884 417 Neofix 412 Neofix 410 Neofix 415 Neofix 407 Neofix 405 Air Splint 722 430 425 427 9140 9142 9144 9160 9162 Spinal immobilizators Med Ped 9120 9124/B Cervical collars Patriot 836 Patriot Baby 837 Antares 853 Antares 856 Antares 854 Antares 850 Antares 848 Antares 846 Antares 844 Antares 842 Antares 840 Sirius 873 Sirius 876 Sirius 874 Sirius 870 Sirius 868 Sirius 866 Sirius 864 Sirius 862 Sirius 860 Gemini 9216 Gemini 9214 Gemini 9213 Gemini 9200 Gemini 9202 Gemini 9204 Gemini 9206 Gemini 9208 Gemini 9210 Artis 9236 Artis 9234 Artis 9233 Artis 9220 Artis 9222 Artis 9224 Artis 9226 Artis 9228 Artis 9230 Pediatric transport 9130<br />ME.BER. BABY FIX 9128<br />Me.Ber. Vacuum Baby Fix 12034 Accessories Stretchers and self loading stretchers accessories 12128 12154 12080 12080-001 12080-001 Mattress 12106 Art. 12108 Art. 12108 7015 7014/A 7013/A 7013/N 1880-001 1880-002 7016/A 7018/A 7009/A 7009/N 7009-001 12100/N 7002 7018/A-001 7018/A-001 7018/A-001 Instrument holder and multi usage object holders 939 12120 12122 12025 Stretcher holders 16150-001 16150-002 16102-001 660/CS 660/CS 660/CS 660/CS 660/CS 630/CS Oxygen cylinders holder 12070/BG 12070/BR 12072/BG 12072/BR 938 12054 Toboga accessories 16102-001 16100-005 16100-002 12048 12050 12084 12170 12170 12172 12200 Sedan chairs accessories 670-002 671-001 12090 12092 670-004 171J 172J 930L 12118 056L 12098 842L 12180 12182 Phleboclysis stands 12016-E 12016-S 12018N 12010 12010 936 936/A 12016 Patient transfer system 707 15244 15244-001 1398 15180 12024 12144/N 12034 9104-001 12084-001 Diagnostic Sphygmomanometers 8012 8009 8008 1740 8014 8004 8006 8011 B1 CLASSIC 8534 Sphygmomanometers' accessories 8142 8143 8140 8141 8534-001 8534-002 8534-003 8536 Phonendoscope 8020/N 8020/R 8020/G Stethophonendoscopes 8025/R 8025/N 8025/G 8030/B Pulse oximeters 11200 Vital Test 8336 11210 11220 Oxytest Accessories for pulse oximeters 11204 11206 11208 11212 11224 11222 11226 Monitors 8540 Accessori monitor TG 8540-001 8540-005 8540-006 8540-002 8540-003 8540-004 Defibrillators 8440 8442 8446 8448 8444 8432 8432-001 8396 8396-001 8398 Thermometers 8377 Protect yourself with meber 8377 11220 Oxytest 8336 Resuscitation Laryngoscopes 1638 Miller 1640 Miller 1630 Miller 1631 Miller 1632 Miller 1633 Miller 1634 Miller 1618 McIntosh 1619 McIntosh 1620 McIntosh 1610 McIntosh 1611 McIntosh 1612 McIntosh 1613 McIntosh 1614 McIntosh 1615 McIntosh 1645 1655 1650 1620-001 1689 Miller 1690 Miller 1691 Miller 1692 Miller 1693 Miller 1696 Miller 1697 Miller 1670 McIntosh 1671 McIntosh 1672 McIntosh 1673 McIntosh 1674 McIntosh 1675 McIntosh 1677 McIntosh 1678 McIntosh 1679 McIntosh 1682 1683 1681 Resuscitating set Guedel canulas 1415 1414 1413 1412 1411 1410 1409 Masks 2405 2404 2403 2402 2401 2400 2411 2413 2414 2415 1052 1053 1056 1057 1040 1045 1050 1055 1080 Resuscitation bags 1274 1276 1278 1233 1234 1237-001 1230 1235 1256 1257 1258 Oxygen therapy 1452 1460 1455 1478 1475 1470 1468 1465 1056 1057 1052 1440 1441 1442 Reanimation accessories 1090 12028 First aid equipments Suction devices Cormos Plus 11022/FA Cormos Plus 11022/LN Cormos 11010/FA Cormos 11010/LN 11128/LN 11128/FA 11064 11068 Suction device accessories 11023 11011 11029 11012 11028 11028 11013 11016 11024 11025 11026 11014 11032 11162 11034 Knapsacks, bags, pouches and object holders 1318 1319 1326/RG 1325/RB 1325/RG 1366 1354 1354-001 1362 1390 1365 1322 Rescuemed 1343 1342 1345 1370/RB 1356/B 1355/B 1373 1375 1350 1362-001/R 1362-001/G 1362-001/V 1362-001/B 1362-002/A 1362-002/R 1362-002/B 1362-002/Y 1362-003 PED 1362-003/V 1362-003/A 1362-003/B 1362-003/G Stretchers, sheets, blankets and pillowcases 1385 1388 1380 1382 708 706 1770 1776/R 1776/AZ 712 714 Miscellaneous 1787 1360 1960 1915 1905 1910 12026 11360/B 11362/G 11360/R 11372 1375-001 Scissors 1980 1950/R 1950/N 1950/G 1982 Gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves 1930 1932 1934 1935 Latex gloves Latex gloves Latex gloves Latex gloves 1936 1937 1938 1939 Fixing systems 975 960 980 959 955 PROOF 956 PROOF 955-001 955-002 Front fixing system Front blocking device 962 618 614 616/A 616 950/1 950/2 Rear fixing system Rear fixing system 1725 1720 1722 970 963 964 988 977 Restraint systems 566 Spider 690 Spider Baby 692 X-FIX 9156 600 601 610 F602/B 607/B 602/MEB 584 605/Nmeb 604/MEB 605/C 605/MEB 670-001 572 574 603/MEB 607/N-MEB 607/Ameb 568 603 607/A 606-A/MEB 606-N/MEB 608/N-MEB 608/A-MEB 612/N-2/MEB 612/AN-2/MEB 590/N 600/N 601/N Stretcher supports 19156-130 AL 19156-130 19136-956 19136-955 19146-956 19146-955 19146 19136 19130-956 19130-955 19140-956 19140-955 19140 19130 19152-130 19110 19112 19114 19116 19118 19162 821G 787L 787L 19115 19170 19123 Veterinary line 6300/B 6100 6150 6315 896/DF Maxima 6200/V Pediatrics Stretchers Ergon Junior 16160/V Ergon Junior 16160/G Maxima 6200 Immobilization Pediatric spinal boards Duck 9024 Duck 9022 9130<br />ME.BER. BABY FIX Spider Baby 692 Kids 627 Bunny Plus 9102 Bunny 9100 Suction pumps 889 888 Med Ped 9120 Cervical collars Antares 842 Antares 840 Sirius 860 Sirius 862 Patriot Baby 837 Gemini 9200 Gemini 9202 Artis 9220 Artis 9222 9144 427 9128<br />Me.Ber. Vacuum Baby Fix Masks 2401 2400 1045 1040 Resuscitation bags 1235 1278 1256 1276 Pulse oximeters 11200 Vital Test Accessories for pulse oximeters 11208 Diagnostic 8142 8143 8446 8011 8009 8534-001 Reanimation 1630 Miller 1631 Miller 1610 McIntosh 1611 McIntosh 1689 Miller 1690 Miller 1410 1409 First aid equipments 1342 1362-003 PED Self loading stretchers and trolleys Frog Lite 7260/INC PROOF Winner 910/GIN Winner 910/GIN PROOF 12048 7034 12050 12050 Bariatric 12154 MBS-01 MEBER BARIATRIC STRETCHER 7270 12080 7015 8534-003 712 12080-001 12084 12084-001 12170 12172 12200 Prevention and individual protection 16500<br />Sterilair Pro 16502<br />Sterilair Pro Disposable latex gloves 1930 1932 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 Throwaway nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Nitrile gloves Disposable latex gloves, double thickness without powder Latex gloves Latex gloves Latex gloves Latex gloves 10G Certified products Mercury Lite 7080/4RG Proof Mercury Lite 7082/4RG Proof Mercury 7070/4RG PROOF Mercury 7072/4RG PROOF Winner 914 PROOF Winner 910 PROOF Titanus 7062/4RG PROOF Titanus 7060/4RG PROOF Frog 7240 PROOF Frog 7210 PROOF Frog 7240/INC PROOF Frog Lite 7260/INC PROOF Winner 910/GIN PROOF MBS-01 MEBER BARIATRIC STRETCHER 7270 Frog Lite 7260 PROOF Fixed stretcher 1515 PROOF Fixed stretcher 1510 PROOF Maxima 630/V Maxima 630/G Maxima 630/B Maxima 630/A Maxima 630 Maxima 631 Ergon 16150/V Ergon 16150/G Ergon Junior 16160/V Ergon Junior 16160/G Quick 659/Y Quick 658/Y Maya 653 Maya 650 Evox Proof 7112 Extra 670/BR 678 Extra Lite Basic Extra Lite Standard 676 Proxima Pro 683 Galaxy 9010 Galaxy 9012 Galaxy 9016 975 960 988 618 955 PROOF 956 PROOF 959 614 616 962 19152-130 19140 19136 19146 19156-130 19162 Mercury Cinque 7075/4RG PROOF Mercury Cinque 7077/4RG PROOF Mercury Lite Cinque 7095/4RG Proof Mercury Lite Cinque 7097/4RG Proof Kuma 668 977 679 Mercury EL 7094 PROOF Mercury EL 7092 PROOF 19156-130 AL Special firefighters TPSS knapsack 1354 1354-001 1278 1274 1237-001 2400 2401 2403 2404 2405 1415 1409 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 11064 1440 1055 1045 1080 Colorful side compartments bags for knapsack 1905 1770 8008 8020/N 1960 1980 Patriot 836 Patriot Baby 837 1950/G 1950/N 1950/R Gloves 11200 Vital Test 8336 Immobilization Galaxy 9016 Galaxy-P 9042 Nilix 9050 Spider 690 Jelly 629 Ergon 16150/G Ergon 16150/V X-FIX 9156 X-Lock 9150 584 16150-001 16150-002 430 425 427 Halley 886 Halley 880 Halley 882 Halley 884 889 417 Neofix 412 Neofix 410 Neofix 415 Neofix 407 Neofix 405 Patriot 836 Patriot Baby 837 9124/B Med Ped 9120 Recovery Toboga 16100 16100-005 Toboga 16102 16102-001 Folding stretcher 643 Folding stretcher 646 Rianimation 1274 1278 2400 2401 2403 2404 2405 1415 1090 1045 1040 1055 1050 1440 1441 938 Diagnostic 11200 Vital Test 11204 8336 8008 8009 Accessori 1356/B 1360 News and events Bando fiere RER 2023 Fairs Cancellation of the 20th RETTmobil 2020 in Fulda REAS 2017: intervista ad Andrea Bertozzi REAS 2016: virtual tour stand MeBer News Torneo Sanitario Nazionale ANPAS Cos'è e come funziona una barella a biocontenimento? Comunicazione importante su manutenzioni MEDICA 2017 Grandi festeggiamenti per MeBer a REAS 2017<br />Grazie a tutti Voi per aver partecipato! Obbligo defibrillatori per le società sportive dilettantistiche<br /><font size="3">Termine ultimo: 30 Giugno 2017</font size> 112: il nuovo numero europeo per le emergenze<br />L'11 Febbraio si è celebrato il 112 Day Comunicazione AIFA - Agenzia Italiana del Farmaco<br /><font size="3">Comunicazione per i titolari di AIC di gas medicinali</font size> 11^ Conferenza Nazionale di Organizzazione Anpas<br /><font size="3">Lo sviluppo di Anpas e delle Pubbliche Assistenze</font size> MEDICA 2016 Nota esplicativa del Ministero della Salute<br /><font size="3">Tema: impiego dei defibrillatori semiautomatici da parte delle società sportive dilettantistiche</font size> Grande successo per MeBer al REAS 2016<br /><font size="3">Grazie a tutti Voi per aver partecipato!</font> MeBer su La Protezione civile di Settembre 2016 Obbligo di defibrillatori per le associazioni sportive dilettantistiche<br /><font size="3">Il termine del 20 gennaio 2016 è stato prorogato di 6 mesi!</font size> Contributi su acquisti di autoambulanze e beni strumentali <br /><font size="3">Il Ministero del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali ha pubblicato la modulistica aggiornata!</font> MEDICA 2015 un appuntamento annuale che regala sempre grandi soddisfazioni! REAS 2015 è stata una grande edizione!<br /><font size="3">Grazie a tutti Voi per aver partecipato!</font> MeBer in the Italian magazine "115 Codice Rosso" Number 2 - 2015 MeBer su La Protezione civile di Giugno 2015 REAS: IL SUCCESSO DELL'APPUNTAMENTO 2014 Responsabilità di manutenzione ordinaria delle barelle. Facciamo chiarezza. Medical Journal Medical Journal Recuperi zone impervie Medical Journal 47 [Estate 2018] Medical Journal 46 [Maggio 2018] Medical Journal 45 [Aprile 2018] Medical Journal 44 [Marzo 2018] Medical Journal 43 [Febbraio 2018] Medical Journal 42 [Gennaio 2018] Medical Journal 41 [Dicembre] Medical Journal 40 [Ottobre 2017] Medical Journal 39 [Settembre 2017] Medical Journal 38 [Giugno 2017] Medical Journal 37 [Speciale Stabilimenti balneari] Medical Journal 36 [Maggio 2017] Medical Journal 35 [Aprile 2017] Medical Journal 34 [Marzo 2017] Medical Journal 33 [February 2017] Medical Journal 32 [Gennaio 2017] Medical Journal 31 [Nov 2016] Medical Journal 30 [lugl 2016] Medical Journal 29 [giu 2016] Medical Journal 28 [mag 2016] Medical Journal Speciale Extra Ergolift [Nr.4] Medical Journal 27 [apr 2016] Medical Journal Speciale Extra Ergolift [Nr.3] Medical Journal 26 [mar 2016] Medical Journal Speciale Extra Ergolift [Nr.2] Medical Journal 25 [feb 2016] Medical Journal Speciale Extra Ergolift [Nr.1] Medical Journal 24 [gen 2016] Medical Journal 23 [dic 2015] Medical Journal 22 [nov 2015] Medical Journal 21 [set 2011] Medical Journal 20 [mag 2011] Medical Journal 19 [nov 2010] Medical Journal 18 [giu 2010] Medical Journal 17 [ Gen 2010] Medical Journal 16 [ dic 2009 ] Medical Journal 15 [set 2009] Grande successo di Ergon sul campo Medical Journal 14 [apr 2009] Medical Journal 13 [apr 2009] Medical Journal 12 [ott 2008] Medical Journal 11 [apr 2008] Medical Journal 10 [ott 2007] Medical Journal 09 [mag 2007] Medical Journal 08 [ott 2006] Medical Journal 07 [apr 2006] Medical Journal 06 [feb 2006] Medical Journal 05 [ott 2005] Medical Journal 04 [mag 2005] Medical Journal 03 [dic 2004] Medical Journal 02 [set 2004] Case di riposo La grande novità nel campo delle barelle. Speciale Monouso Medical Journal 01 [feb 2004] Newsletter Evacuazione Edifici REAS 2016: virtual tour stand MeBer News CIRCOLARE DEL MINISTERO DELLE INFRASTRUTTURE E DEI TRASPORTI Video Rubrica Cosa fare in caso di Cosa fare in caso di soffocamento Cosa fare in caso di malattie infettive MeBer Experience Soccorso a paziente traumatico su terreno accidentato Company profile How to reach us MeBer quality: certifications How do MeBer products born MeBer: emergency…shock proof! Maintenance service Authorized Distributors Me.Ber. TV Promotions Art. 960 PROMO Art. 630/G Art. 9012 Art.16150/G USATO ERGON art.16150/G Military green carrying case for scoop stretcher Art. 631 Art. 6200 - With scratches Art. 918 Art. 9022 Promo Art. 9010 Art. F1877 Aluminium phleboclysis stand for stretchers Orange mattress with cushion Art. 671-001 Art. 625 Art. 627 Art. 629 Art. 884 Art. 1370/RB Art. 938/PLUS Art. 1353 Cervical collar cover Art. 1347 Promo Art. 1358 Art. 19140 Art.10005 Art. 1982 Art. 654 Quick Art. 959 Art. 938 BIG Art. 12058RB Rectangular bags Carrying bag for traction splint for child Carrying bag for traction splint for child Art. 12030 Art. 15714/XL Art. 888 Art. 646 Art. 7009/N Art. 930/A Promo Art. 7014/G Promo Art. 7014/N Promo Art. 12064/GN Promo Art. 7017-001 Promo Art. 16150-001 Promo Art. 1310/R Promo Art. 1362-001 Promo Art. 7010 Promo Art. 7017 Promo Art. 12018 Promo Art. 12014 Promo Art. 977 PROMO Art. 975 Art. 12064/RN Art. 7004/G Art. 633 Art. 630/G Promo Art. 631 campione Art. 630/V Promo Art. 7013/G Art. 7013 Promo Art. 12154 Art. 1348 Cinture Art. F13060 12054 PROMO Art. 19130 PROMO Art. 1314/R Promo Art. 722/CU 15714/M PROMO Materassino blu Art. 12056/RB PROMO Art. 627 Promo Art. 1367 Promo Zainetto camouflage Art. 11015 Art. 1368/RB Art. 895 PROMO Policy on the use of cookies on this website Product-catalogue Pediatric trauma Duck 9022 Duck 9024 Ergon Junior 16160/G Ergon Junior 16160/V Maxima 6200 Bunny 9100 Bunny Plus 9102 9130<br />ME.BER. BABY FIX 9128<br />Me.Ber. Vacuum Baby Fix Kids 627 Patriot Baby 837 427 Homepage Who we are EXTRA Chair range Extra 670/BR Extra Lite Standard 676 678 Extra Lite Basic 679